Well I don't know how appropriate the title is since it just got done storming like a mutha and it's about 60 some degrees, lol. BUT we did get a sweet rainbow. I tried to take pictures of it with my phone... check out my FB for the pics =) I'm sure most of ya'll that read my blog have me on FB, lol. (p.s. does anyone know how to post pictures on here?!)
So, funny story. The other day my friend Bobbi sent me a picture of my grandparents riding their bikes and I literally laughed out loud because of their safety vests and blinking lights that they wear. No matter how many times I see it, I still can't help but giggle. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're being safe but it is unusual to see people wear such attire. =P
Only two more weeks until summer classes start up. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm glad I got somewhat of a break from school but I guess I'm one of those weirdos that's not complete unless I'm busy, busy, busy! I ordered our books today and we still have to get the DVDs for World Geo at the bookstore. The cool thing about that is that they're $30 and at the end of the summer if you return them you get $25 dollars back. Can't beat that. And not to mention I got our books off of Amazon for super cheap!
This summer Drew and I have his and my family reunions to attend. I'm pretty excited for them! His is in Wichita so it's nice that we won't have to travel so far and it's July 4th weekend... fun times! Mine is at the beginning of August and we're going to Grand Lakes, Colorado, a little resort town up in the mountains 90 miles from Denver. The drive will be long but it will be totally worth it to be in such a scenic place with a lot of kick ass outdoor stuff to do!
So today was Drew's last day working at Paul Wertenberger Construction. He's been working there for over two years now. He starts his new job tomorrow. He will be working in a shop AND in the office doing drafting, so this is an amazing opportunity for him to get experience and get his foot in the door. I am kinda sad that he is leaving PW though... they're like a family! But nonetheless, I am sooo proud of my babe and all the things he has accomplished and will accomplish!
I hope everyone is having a good start to the summer. Lovelovelove!
☮gretchen elizabeth
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