Friday, April 16, 2010

All I'm tryin' to say is you should know me like that

So I'm not really doing this as much as I would have hoped but I've been vuuurrry busy as of late. Today was a pretty easy-going day. I had an interview (that lasted forever... over 1 1/2 hours!), in psych. stats we just took research surveys for extra credit since Dr. Naylor is in Denver with the other psych professors, ANNND then I got to go to work for my call in way early, which is nice because I'd much rather work earlier than later. Right now I'm just killing a little bit of time, waiting on Drew pretty much. HE IS WORKING IN THE FREAKING GARAGE WITH ALEX AGAIN!! I capitalized it to express my discontent, haha. We don't get to spend a ton of time together because we are both pretty busy, especially me, and he told me we'd hang out tonight and look what he's doing... bahh.
Anyway, on a happier note I am running for Psychology Club President! (MAKE SURE YOU GO TO MARTIN ALLEN IN THE MAIN OFFICE AND VOTE FOR ME MONDAY AND TUESDAY! Every vote counts and I need as many as possible, I know I have contenders!) I'm pretty excited about it. I haven't been involved with things as much as I'd like to and I'd really like to get super-involved with psychology club. I also want to join UAB and do more work with Up 'Til Dawn. Speaking of UTD I got some pretty address labels in the mail from St. Jude's recently, hehe... which is awesome because I really needed some!
I'm fairly excited to be done with this semester. Most of my teachers decided to give more papers, projects, and homework. Yayyy. =/ Actually, I take that back. ALL of my teachers are torturing my poor soul. I will only have a couple weeks of a break since I'm taking two summer classes and either one or two geoscience field trips. It will keep me pretty busy along with work, that is for sure! And in the fall I am taking quite an array of classes but I will discuss those at a later time. Well, I might be having some good news to share (about more than one thing, too!) here pretty soon... let's keep our fingers crossed. I think this is a good note to end on. You will be hearing from me soon. =)

☮gretchen elizabeth


  1. when I read this and saw your reason for discontent, it made me discontent. that kid is so annoying! i'm sorry you have to put up with him..all the time! anyways, good luck on president! remind me Monday to go to vote after Stats lab!

  2. Take it from an old-timer. Young men need some guy time. If he is close by give him some room but also take some "me time" yourself.

    I enjoyed learning a little about you. You are certainly an active person. BZZZZZZ

    You will never be bored.

    The article length is ideal. It gives enough info but not too much. The reader can get through it without a major commitment. Some blogs are so long it is like work to get through them.

    The white print on black background is a little challenging however.

    Good luck with the Psych Club Pres endeavor

    keep us posted
