Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some exciting news!

Well, I only have 15 minutes or so before I have to leave so I'm going to keep this short and sweet! I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting my blog (hehe) but last night I could barely function after I got home, did what I needed to do, and took a shower. Okay.... first things first. I wanted to wait a bit to tell people this. I just got promoted at my job at Bath and Body Works to Customer Sales Lead (part of the sales leader team). I am soooo excited you don't even know! I'm going to get way more hours and get paid a lot more! I love that job and I could definitely use good money this summer since all my financial aid went to my summer classes! I put in my two weeks (well, 10 days) at my campus job yesterday but I don't feel like spending too much time talking about that, haha.
Lastly, I am now a PSYCHOLOGY CLUB OFFICER! Yay! I ran for president, not knowing that you have to be in PSYCHI to be a prez or vp so I couldn't run for it, lol. But however, the girls that got it seem like they'd do an awesome job. So it was pretty much between public relations or jr. office. Jr. officer is new this year, they take on a lot of responsibilities of the prez and vice so it's pretty much a precursor to that. Sooo I'm hoping next year, as long as I'm in psychi.... EL PRESIDENTE!
Okay, well that is really what I wanted to share with everyone. This year has been quite an exciting ride with many things going well for me. I am so happy that I am where I am and so blessed to have the people in my life that support me. Couldn't ask for more! =)

☮gretchen elizabeth

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